Thistle Marketplace Posting Instructions

To post your listing:

  1. Visit
  2. Click the green “Post An Ad” button
  3. Click the purple “Create an account” link
  4. Fill out the registration form and click the green “Register” button (note: the username will be publicly displayed)
  5. Go to “Manage Listings”
  6. Click the green “Add New Listing” button
  7. Choose the category (boats, parts or sails)
  8. Fill in the listing details
  9. Fill in the contact details (note: if you choose to include your phone number, it will be hidden by security measures; interested buyers can click to view the number)
  10. Add images
  11. Fill in your price
  12. Click the green “Place Listing” button in the “Complete Listing” section

Questions? Get help by contacting our Thistle Marketplace manager at

To edit your listing:

  1. Visit the Thistle Marketplace
  2. Go to “Manage Listings” (located just under the main navigation bar)
  3. Select the listing you’d like to edit, and click the purple “Edit” button
  4. Make the desired edits
  5. Click the green “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page

To delete your listing: 

If your listing has sold, please contact before deleting the listing.

  1. Visit the Thistle Marketplace
  2. Go to “Manage Listings” (located just under the main navigation bar)
  3. Select the listing you’d like to edit, and click the grey “Delete” button
  4. Click “OK” on the pop-up that says “Are you sure you want to delete this listing?” 

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