Project Scopes for TCA Strategic Projects

TCA strategic initiatives: From ideas to actionable projects The Executive Committee came up with a list of high-priority projects during our strategy session in November 2022. Since that group has insight into the conversations that surrounded these projects, we have worked on turning these ideas from bullet points into official project scopes. The goal of … Read more

TCA Strategy Summary

TCA STRATEGY PROCESS AND SUMMARY TCA Strategy Development Process Several people have asked why and how the TCA strategy was developed. The why is simple. Organizations like the TCA need to evolve to meet the changing needs of their members and keep pace with changes happening in the world in which they operate. A proven … Read more

Compass Conversations with Mike & Delia Ingham

compass mounted on a Thistle

This article originally appeared in the 2019 June/July issue of the Bagpipe. The Coach TCA participants at this year’s Midwinters East Championships were treated to a great session with Mike and Delia Ingham as they shared their routines for using the compass as they compete on their Thistle. I took these notes to share with … Read more

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