Executive Meeting Minutes
Tuesday November 14, 2023
Present: Warren Duckworth, Nicole Shedden, Aaron Holland, Wayne Pignolet and John Howell (non-voting member)
Absent: Jenny Borshoff
RVP and DG: Paul Cone, Julie Irwin (incoming Pac. NW DG), Phil Christman, Scott Vogel
Meeting called to order: 8:06 pm (EST)
- September meeting minutes: Approved; October meeting minutes: Approved
- Secretary’s Report: Dianne Duckworth
- Membership: September 2023: 589; October 2023: 591 (+2)
- Propose an increase in the cost for paper Thistle Plans from $36.00 to $46.00 due to rising costs in printing and postage. Dianne motioned the increase, seconded. During discussion Aaron motioned to increase Thistle Plans to $50.00, seconded; motion passes: effective immediately. Will send notice to John Duckworth to add price increase to Secretary’s article for the next BP.
- Sympathy card to Mark Foster’s Family
- Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Paisley
- October 2023 P&L: Total Income $241.00, Total Expenses $6,839.75, Net Income $ $ -6,598.75
- 2023 to October 2023 P&L 2023: Total Income $69,519.23, Total Expenses $50,813.19, Net Income $18,706.04
- Checking to see if we can reduce Stripe fees; looking into making it optional for members to cover the fee.
- Working to have all Advertising mailing done yearly, January. Will work with Nicole on an annual advertising agreement to send to advertisers.
- First VP’s Report: Warren Duckworth
- MWW and MWE
- MWW- Talked with Mike Poltorak. Mike is working on the sailing instructions. Wayne Pignolet is the class liaison.
- MWE- Met with MWE team (Tommy Glenn, Greg Griffin, John Farris) along with Nicole Shedden. They are on target.
- Website
- Transferring our website: Talked to Blue Host about their pricing for hosting. They also offer improvement work, but we will look for other options.
- MWW and MWE
- Second VP’s Report: Jenny Borshoff
- No official report
- Third VP’s Report: Aaron Holland
- Article for the Under 26 Free Membership is in the next BP issue, Dec2023/Jan 2024
- Re-focus on a list of lost boats with Dianne
- Reaching out to RVP’s to help find “spark plugs” members for boat rehabilitation for each region
- National Duration Committee is starting to meet with a goal of presenting at the GB at MWE
- Chief Measurer: Wayne Pignolet
- Digital Thistle Plans are very difficult to draw the curve of the hull. We may need to pay someone to do this.
- Letter to Craig Koschalk about sails was sent
- Reached out to JD Reddaway to write up an amendment to propose the ability to use reefing main.
- Center Shims proposal has been sent to BP and Google Groups
- Past President’s Report: John Howell
- Strategy Plans
- Sent 1 page project scope summaries for the Boat Grant/Fleet Boat project and Growth Partnership Fundraising project to get ExCom permission to write charters.
- Nicole motions to approve project scope for Boat Grant and Fleet Boat project, seconded and approved. John can write the Charter.
- Strategy Plans
- Nicole motions to approve project scope for TCA Growth Partnership project, seconded and approved. John can write the Charter.
- National 2023 Feedback
- John is planning to send Ashli Slawter the feedback from Thistle Class on the 2023 Nationals this Thursday, Nov. 16th.
- President’s Report: Nicole Shedden
- RVP update: Phil Gordon is new Pacific Coast RVP. Tommy Glenn will mentor Phil in his new role
- G&P trophy: Final invoice for repairs, improvements and traveling box was $225. ExCom had approved $150 for improvements on the G& P trophy. Vote to approve $275 ($225 for invoice, $50 for excellent work). Motioned, seconded and approved for $275
- Nominating Gerry Christman for US Sailing One Design Award for his work with Fleet 66
- Next Governing Board meeting is Monday, March 11, 2024 at MWE in the main clubhouse (time TBD)
- New Business: Nicole Shedden
- Need to appoint DG’s for 2024 under Article 11.3.d with consensus input from members of the district:
- Ted Lischer for Middle America replacing Blair Dryden
- Julie Irwin for Pacific Northwest replacing Paul Cone
- Write project scope for TCA Strategy projects – submit scope to ExCom before 12/12/23
- Brand and fund Coach TCA: Nicole
- Develop a key event management plan: Aaron
- Need to appoint DG’s for 2024 under Article 11.3.d with consensus input from members of the district:
- Develop diversity and inclusion plan: Wayne
- Develop plan to promote small/medium yacht clubs to kick off community sailing programs: Nicole will ask Tom Hubbell
- Adjourned: 9:42 PM (ET)
- Next meeting: December 12, 2023, at 8:00pm ET/ 5:00pm PT