Executive Meeting Minutes Tuesday December 12, 2023

 Executive Meeting Minutes

Tuesday December 12, 2023

Present: Nicole Shedden, Warren Duckworth, Jenny Borshoff, Aaron Holland, Wayne Pignolet and John Howell (non-voting member)

Secretary: Dianne Duckworth

Treasurer: Sarah Paisley

RVP and DG: Ted Lischner (DG/MA)


Meeting called to order: 8:04 pm (EST)

  • November meeting minutes: Approved
  • Secretary’s Report: Dianne Duckworth
    1. Membership: October 2023: 589; November 2023: 592 (+1)
    2. Updating website: Price changed for Thistle Plans and Officers
    3. Working on updating all chevron event results on the website, hopefully by mid January
  • Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Paisley
    1. November 2023 P&L: Total Income $2,055.00, Total Expenses $1,213.45, Net Income $841.55
    2. 2023 to November 2023 P&L 2023: Total Income $71,574.23, Total Expenses $52,026.64, Net Income $19,547.59
  • First VP’s Report: Warren Duckworth
    1. MWW and MWE
      1. MWW- Talked with Mike Poltorak. Mike is working on the sailing instructions. Wayne Pignolet is the class liaison.
      2. MWE- Met with MWE team (Tommy Glenn, Greg Griffin, John Farris) along with Nicole Shedden. They are on target.
    2. Nationals 2024
      1. Initial regatta notice is on the website
      2. Registration planned to open early in the new year
    3. National 2025
      1. Great Lakes Region is starting a bid for 2025
      2. Will contact RVP’s to check on other possible bids
    4. Website
      1. Transferring our website: Talked to Blue Host about their pricing for hosting. They also offer improvement work, but we will look for other options.
      2. Put forth a proposal to transfer the domain of website and start a new contact with BLUEHOST for up to $500.00. Motioned, seconded, and approved
  • Second VP’s Report: Jenny Borshoff
    1. No official report
  • Third VP’s Report: Aaron Holland
    1. Sent out the National Duration Committee Results to the ExCom. Plan to have a presentation with recommendations at MWE GB meeting
    2. He is reforming Social Media Committee: sent out many emails has only 3 responses
    3. Asking RVP’s to help create a Boat Assessment Team for each region
  • Chief Measurer: Wayne Pignolet
    1. Asked JD Reddaway to have the amendment for reefing main to be ready for GB Meeting at MWE
    2. Sent a note to Craig Koschalk about the sail allotment issue. Still in discussion
    3. Boat and parts availability questions are being addressed
    4. Request from 2024 National’s Committee about the measurements that will be check at National’s (measurement is to include compass check)
  • Past President’s Report: John Howell
    1. PNW Thistle Molds (Usable)
      1. Committee: John Howell, Larry Ligget, Paul Cone, Chris Murphy, and Chris Pollock
      2. Committee thinks the class should support 2 boat builders to help with building and time constraints.
    2. Strategy Plans- See Old Business
  • President’s Report: Nicole Shedden
    1. Appointed a Nomination Committee for 2024-25 TCA Officer Slate: John Howell, Greg Griffin, and Mike Gillum
    2. Scott Griffin will remain as Amendment Committee Chairperson for 2024
    3. Created a personal advisory group of former TCA Presidents from each region for informal discussions about current class issues
    4. Class Historian: Lincoln Baxter retired. Working on defining class historian responsibilities before we fill the position
    5. Tech Compass Variance expires December 31, 2023; asked Wayne to include a reminder in MWW and MWE NOR
    6. Nationals Location Rotation: Noticed we’ve gone out West every 3 years since 2016 due to increase in Pacific Coast TCA members and active fleets
    7. MWE trophies: Working on determining who owns each one (TCA or SPYC). Need to have them brought to Ft. Walton MWE 2024
  • Old Business:
    1. Presenting and voting on Project Scopes for TCA Strategy projects
      1. Brand and fund Coach TCA; scope written by Nicole. Motioned, seconded and approved.
      2. Develop a key event management plan; project already launched by Aaron. He’s documenting next steps
      3. Develop plan to promote small/medium yacht clubs to kick off community sailing programs; scope written by Tom Hubbell. Motioned, seconded and approved.

2. Presenting and voting on Project Charters for TCA Strategy projects

        1. Thistle Growth Partnership Program (program is to set up an endowment and raise funds for strategic initiatives); charter written by John Howell and Matt Fisher. Motion, seconded and approved.
        2. Thistle Next Generation program; charter written by John Howell and Matt Fisher. Will be discussed and voted on by email by ExCom
  • Adjourned: 10:08 PM (ET)
  • Next meeting: January 9, 2024, at 8:00pm ET/ 5:00pm PT

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