Executive Meeting Minutes October 22, 2024

Executive Meeting Minutes

 October 22, 2024



Present: Warren Duckworth, Aaron Holland, Paul Cone, Lloyd Kitchin, Bob White, and Nicole Shedden (non-voting member)

Treasurer: Sarah Paisley

Secretary: Dianne Duckworth

RVP and DG: None in attendance

Meeting called to order: 8:08 pm (EST)

  • September meeting minutes: Motioned and Approved
  • Secretary’s Report: Dianne Duckworth
    1. Membership: August 2024 565 and September 2024 573 (+8)
    2. Gave the Find a Fleet information to Paul Cone
    3. Removed John Howell and Joy Martin from PNC TCA account. Added Aaron Holland with Sarah Paisley and Dianne Duckworth
  • Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Paisley
    1. January to September P&L: Total Income- $122,347.60, Net Income- $80,228.23
    2. September P&L: Total Income- $400.00, Net Income- $ -4,894.29
    3. September 2024 Balance Sheet: Total Assets $150,363.00
    4. Reviewed the 2024 actuals and found the TCA is running a small deficit but no definitive amount
    5. Will work on a 2025 Budget for next meeting
    6. Requested that Dianne contact Clubspot to review membership billing and ask if options for additional contributions
  • First VP’s Report: Aaron Holland
    1. Aaron reported that he has not had a transition meeting with Warren
    2. Aaron plans to meet with Joy and get a peer review on the Race Management Document
    3. Warren reported that MWW and MWE are in good shape at this time
  • Second VP’s Report: Paul Cone
    1. Thanked Warren for his help with Google Groups
    2. Updating multiple plug-ins and other website updates
    3. Looking at analytics for the website, hopefully resurrecting Dan Winchester’s rigging page, will upload updated “Find a Fleet” information
    4. Reviewing uploading pictures into Marketplace and will see if members can view past calendar regattas
  • Third VP’s Report: Lloyd Kitchin
    1. Met with Aaron to transition
    2. Plan to contact Evan Huffman about his success with significant growth with Snipes. I would like to know more about his 3-part program.
    3. Working on a yearly outline for Bagpipe articles
  • Chief Measurer: Bob White
    1. Reefing amendment is ready for peer review and Bob will ask Fleet 21 to do the review.
    2. The Reefing Amendment contains the Bylaws Article 10 – choosing when to reef and the CMR about the sail plan that will also be modified
  • Past President’s Report: Nicole Shedden
    1. National Trophies
      1. Craig Smith has some trophy deed to be sent to Dianne Duckworth for recording
      2. Last time trophies were appraised for insurance was in 1977. We need to set another time for the trophies to be appraised. The best time would be at Nationals where all the trophies are together.
    2. Mini Hubcap Trophies for the top 5 championship winners. Nicole presented two bids that could make the trophies
      1. Maxwell -make their own die for $13.00 per piece not including shipping
      2. Metal Craft Solutions- will use our die for $22.00 per piece
  • Larry Shedden has offered to make wooden plaques for these trophies ($100.00)
  1. Nicole will email ExCom with more information on detailed pricing
  1. National Seed Money
    1. Nicole is working on a contract for lending seed money to yacht club/fleet that is holding Thistle National’s to help with down payments on venues.
  2. Sail maker webinar to be for the class not an ad. Will work on a document for trainings for the TCA.
  3. Coach TCA needs a charter
  4. Nicole would like recommendations for the John H. Gardiner Jr. Trophy. This trophy is handed out by US Sailing for recognition of distinguished service and leadership in the promotion of one design sailing and class organization., TCA.
  • President’s Report: Warren Duckworth
    1. Nominations and votes
      1. Treasurer – Sarah Paisley- motioned, seconded and approved
      2. Secretary – Dianne Duckworth-motioned, seconded and approved
    2. Amendments Chair- Scott Griffin has accepted the position
    3. Nominating Committee – TBD
    4. NRC Chair for 2025 – Doug Kaukeinen
    5. Reginal Vice-Presidents will stay the same at this time
      1. Dave Hansen (AC), Blair Dryden (MA), Craig Koschalk (GL), Phil Gordon (PC), and Tommy Glenn (SE)
      2. Craig Koschalk (GL) would like to turn over to someone else no later than the spring
  • Old Business:
    1. Endowment Committee – JH – Working to get an investment manager
    2. Boat grant – Matt Fisher is working on it, but no progress since Nationals.
    3. Doug Laber meeting – A few members of the ExCom met with Doug Laber in early October. Doug plans to continue supplying parts to the class. The TCA ExCom plans to continue discussions with Doug.
    4. Mold Committee – Paul Cone, Chris Pollack, Larry Ligget, Chris Murphy and John Howell
      1. Chip Balough has a Thistle mold from NWOD and Alex Vegas has a Thistle centerboard mold from NWOD.
      2. John Howell contacted Gig Harbor Boat Works, and they are very interested in talking about building Thistles
    5. Sailing World advertising
      1. Looking for reginal publications that might help build locally.
      2. ExCom still on decision will continue through emails
  • New Business: 
    1. National’s survey of Tom’s River
    2. Chris Murphy would like to send out a survey of 18 to 20 questions
    3. Warren will send the survey out to ExCom for further discussion
  • Next ExCom Meeting: November 12, 2024, 8:00 (EST)
  • Adjourned: 10:32 pm EST


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