Executive Meeting Minutes November 12, 2024

Executive Meeting Minutes

 November 12, 2024



Present: Warren Duckworth, Aaron Holland, Paul Cone, Lloyd Kitchin, Bob White, and Nicole Shedden (non-voting member)

Treasurer: Sarah Paisley

Secretary: Dianne Duckworth

RVP and DG: Stan Smith and Marty Parisien

Meeting called to order: 8:04 PM

  • October meeting minutes: Approved by email-See December 10, 2024 meeting minutes
  • Secretary’s Report: Dianne Duckworth
    1. Membership: September 2024 573 and October 2024 574 (+1)
    2. I have not had any luck with contacting Clubspot. I am trying to set up a Zoom meeting.
    3. Working on the trophy list
  • Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Paisley
    1. January to October P&L: Total Income- $123,355.60, Net Income- $77,644.13
    2. October P&L: Total Income- $1,008.00, Net Income- $-2,584.10
    3. October 2024 Balance Sheet: Total Assets $147,778.90
    4. Budget Draft: Close to balancing: running at a deficit and will work on asking skippers to ask their crew to join TCA
    5. How to increase advertising in the BP and website
    6. Where are we with Beacon Advertising
  • First VP’s Report: Aaron Holland
    1. Aaron reported that he met with Warren on the transition of the office. Has been in contact with MWE, MWW and Nationals 2025
    2. Race Management Document- in old business
  • Second VP’s Report: Paul Cone
    1. Updating the cost of web hosting to reduce expense of features we do not need.
    2. Updated to Instagram to a professional account to allow website feed.
    3. Updated “Find a Fleet” information-ExCom reviewed now will send out on GG to be reviewed by members
    4. Still working on uploading pictures into Marketplace – troubleshooting pictures on calendar, too
    5. MailChimp access from Joy Martin. Will keep account as we only get charged if used.
  • Third VP’s Report: Lloyd Kitchin
    1. Plan to contact Evan Huffman about his success with significant growth with Snipes. Lloyd would like to know more about his 3-part program.
    2. Received 3rd VP duties from Nicole
  • Chief Measurer: Bob White
    1. Article X specifications and Chief Measurements Rulings change
      1. Mark the existing text as item #1.
      2. Add this ruling as #2. This will be a CMR
        • For purposes of reefing the following are allowed:
          • a clew to boom strap or attachment
          • a tack to mast strap or attachment
          • secondary reefing outhaul.
        • This just specifies what is legal. Removes future questions. The reefed mainsail becomes basically a loose-footed sail and will benefit from these options.
      3. TCA members are having some issues with getting Hulls produced and the delivery of new Hulls from Beacon Composites. Bob plans to discuss with Alex Vegas.
  • Past President’s Report: Nicole Shedden
    1. National Trophies
    2. Mini Hubcap Trophies for the top 5 championship winners. 2nd
      1. Metal Craft Solutions- will use our die (specification of the mold) for $22.00 per piece-ExCom choice
      2. Larry Shedden has offered to make wooden plaques for these trophies ($100.00) contacted
    3. National Seed Money first
      1. Reviewed the contract for lending seed money to yacht club/fleet that is holding Thistle National’s to help with down payments on venues. Will have one more review and then vote on by email to ExCom
    4. Sail maker webinar to be for the class not an ad. Will work on a document for trainings for the TCA. Offer educational webinars from our – One webinar per quarter from the sailmakers Regatta Calendar- will write in a policy approval at the next meeting?
    5. Coach TCA needs a charter- not worked on any ideas? Thinking-last
    6. Nicole would like recommendations for the John H. Gardiner Jr. Trophy. This trophy is handed out by US Sailing for recognition of distinguished service and leadership in the promotion of one design sailing and class organization., TCA. Any Nominations?
  • President Report: Warren Duckworth
  1. Nominating Committee – Still TBD – I have not done any further work on it
  2. RVP – I have made no progress in finding a replacement for Craig Koschalk as GL RVP. Again, we have some time, but I would like to have someone identified and working with Craig before the first of the year.
  3. Nationals 2024 trophies
    1. Nicole for hubcaps
    2. Dianne for order processing
    3. Dianne sent Chris Murphy request for funds from Toms River, no reply
  • Old Business
  1. Endowment Committee – JH – Working to get an investment manager as we are still below the $100K minimum fund threshold
  2. Boat grant – Matt Fisher wants to progress to the fleets
  3. Key Event Management Plan – Aaron reported it is in review and hopes to share at the next meeting
  4. Coach TCA – I did not attempt to get any updates from Tom Hubbell, but he has plans for MWE
  5. Doug Laber discussion – no updates
  6. Mold Committee – Ask Paul Cone to report as member of committee plans further discussions with Gig Harbor Boat Works
  7. Alternative sourcing of part and materials – open discussion
  8. Sailing World advertising – Cancelled
    1. Looking for reginal publications that might help build locally
    2. Nicole has identified some periodicals. Run list by Governing Board which ones did Nicole say send it to GB GG
  9. Nationals Survey suggested by Chris Murphy 2019 Demographic survey from MWE and make a Nationals section
    1. Will we get value from it or drop it?
    2. Who would like to champion this effort?
  • New Business
  1. Improving Race Management at key events
    1. Use of Race Sense technology
      1. OCS monitoring
      2. Class compliant mode
    2. Brought up as an idea for Nationals 2025 but should plan for other chevron events first.
    3. Warren would like to put a notice in BP that we are exploring the use of this technology
    4. Possible CMR amendment to vote on by GB at MWE
    5. Work to socialize well before voting and encourage feedback.
  2. Under 26 free memberships for 2025 G&P
  • Next ExCom Meeting: December 10, 2024, at 8:00 PM (ET)
  • Adjourned 10:40 PM (EST)

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