Executive Meeting Minutes July 30, 2024

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Special focus on Nationals 2024

 July 30, 2024



Present: Nicole Shedden, Warren Duckworth, Jenny Borshoff, Aaron Holland, Bob White

Absent: John Howell (non-voting member)

Secretary: Dianne Duckworth

Treasurer: Sarah Paisley

Meeting called to order: 8:34 pm (EST)

  • July 9, 2024, meeting minutes: No motion
  • Secretary’s Report: Dianne Duckworth
    1. TCA checking account ending in ….9885 users are updated to removing John Howell and Joy Martin and adding Aaron Holland.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Paisley
    1. Nicole asked Sarah to run financials with the 7/31/24 end date with different accounts separated for GB and Annual meetings
  • First VP’s Report: Warren Duckworth
    1. Vote on: Nationals at the Eugene Yacht Club 2026: Motioned, Seconded and Passes
    2. MWE Dates: FWYC March 9-12 and Orange Peel Regatta (FYC), March 14,15
    3. MWW Dates at Mission Bay are Wednesday, February 5, tune-up/practice race, February 6,7,8 are the MWW dates, and February 9, will be the Larry Klein Regatta
    4. Sandusky Nationals 2025 NRC Chair will be Doug Kaukeinen
    5. Chris Murphy sent a notice out on the List Serve: It asks that no Thistler to drop of boats from 3:30 to 10:30 pm on Friday, Aug. 2. TRYC is having an event.
  • Second VP’s Report: Jenny Borshoff
    1. Google Group Members is 604
  • Third VP’s Report: Aaron Holland
    1. Will have numbers for G&P Regatta and Membership reimbursements for GB and Annual meetings
    2. Asked Sarah for the numbers of reimbursements from 2021 (start of the program) to 2024.
    3. Social media for Nationals: Jesse Murphy has Instagram and Facebook access
  • Chief Measurer: Bob White
    1. Nationals 2024
      1. Concerned that skippers will come with wooden boats and not have the proper floatation; flotation tables from Ollie Kunz will be discussed with wooden boat owners
      2. Sending MI Measurement Form to Dianne to have 75 copies made for Nationals
  • Will work on Amendments for next year


  • President’s Report: Nicole Shedden
    1. Nationals Meetings
      1. GB meeting planned for 9:30am Sunday, August 4.
        • Reports should cover everything since March 2024 GB meeting
        • GB will vote on Meeting Minutes from GB meeting March 2024 and special GB meeting April 29, 2024
        • Will discuss racing at Districts as qualifier for Nationals
        • Will discuss electing an alternative DG for each district as outlined in Const. Article XI 3.c
      2. The Annual Meeting tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, August 6 after racing.
        • Reports should cover everything since July 2023 Annual Meeting at Flathead Nationals
  • New Business: None
  • Next meeting: Change from August 13 to August 20, 2024, 8:00pm ET
  • Adjourned: 9:56 (EST)

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