Executive Meeting Minutes May 14, 2024

Executive Meeting Minutes

 May 14, 2024



Present: Nicole Shedden, Warren Duckworth, Jenny Borshoff, Aaron Holland, Bob White and John Howell (non-voting member)

Secretary: Dianne Duckworth

Treasurer: Sarah Paisley

RVP and DG: Ted Lischer (DG-MA)

Meeting called to order: 8:08 pm (EST)

  • April meeting minutes: Motioned and Approved
  • Secretary’s Report: Dianne Duckworth
    1. Membership: April- 411, May- 440 (+29)
    2. Some people are sailing regattas without being members. See New Business for solution
    3. Clubspot- I sent the number of members who double paid their dues, waiting for refunds on charges for Clubspot and Stripe.
    4. Updated Officers on website and sent update to John Duckworth to update the Bagpipe
    5. Adobe InDesign for Bagpipe cost will be $34.99 with nonprofit discount; I will send John Duckworth our 501c3
  • Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Paisley
    1. January to April P&L: Total Income- $27,958.40, Net Income- $6,106.88
    2. April 2024 P&L: Total Income $1,178.2, Total Expenses $6,436.12, Net Income $ -5,257.92
    3. April 2024 Balance Sheet: Total Assets $76,241.65
    4. The Nationals’ trophy fee does not cover the cost of the trophies. The average trophy cost is $3586. Need to increase the fee; maybe 80 boats ⟶ $45 fee, 60 boats ⟶ $60 fee. Will discuss with group via email.
  • First VP’s Report: Warren Duckworth
    1. Blue Chevron
      1. Events have been scheduled, waiting for PCC’s date (usually in the fall)
      2. Asking RVPs to identify liaison
    2. Nationals 2024
      1. 68 boats registered down from 74
      2. No outstanding alternate qualification for Thistle’s Nationals 2024
  • No outstanding issues from Lake Hopatcong Team, they are working on sponsors
  1. Lake Hopatcong Team talked with Mark Foster about number of safety boats and are all set
  1. National 2025
    1. 2025 Sandusky, OH
    2. 2026-Eugene Oregon possibly
  2. Advertising: Didn’t renew Sailing World ad for this year ($800/year); SW couldn’t give us the number of hits on the online TCA ad. Looking to advertise in regional magazines near Thistle fleets.
  • Second VP’s Report: Jenny Borshoff- No report
  • Third VP’s Report: Aaron Holland
    1. Youth Regatta Reimbursement program description will be put on website
    2. MWE social media: Trying to connect with photographer, Bill Crawford, about MWE social media follow-up
    3. Key Event Management Plan: finishing adding documents and getting peer reviews
    4. Working on a condensed version of National Duration recs for chevron events
    5. G&P Fund: Sarah sent a check for $200 to Carol Kitchin for the 2024 Children’s Camp for Nationals to buy a first aid kit and art supplies.
  • Chief Measurer: Bob White
    1. Spoke with John Howell and will follow Wayne’s wishes to postpone any potential amendments for now (reefing main and floatation).
    2. Will pursue floatation specifications that need to be re-written for clarification with Ollie Kunz
    3. Lloyd Kitchin will run measurements at National’s using Wayne’s system.
  • Past President’s Report: John Howell
    1. Nominating Committee (John Howell, Greg Griffin, Mike Gillum) working on slate for 2024-2025 ExCom Committee and will have chosen a recipient for the Minton Award
    2. Endowment Fund:
      1. Is out to ExCom for its final review; needs approval
      2. Working on a contract with a firm to handle the investments for the Endowment
  • Endowment documents are in approval process
  1. Nominating Committee thanks Bob White for stepping in as Chief Measurer
  2. Fleet Boat Grant Program:
    1. Slated to give out first Thistle (#3846) New Port RI to Riley Reed
    2. Motioned to formalize the transfer of Thistle #3846 to TCA Motioned and Approved
  3. Gift Acceptance Policy: still working on the language of document
  • President’s Report: Nicole Shedden
    1. Thanks to Bob White for stepping in as CM. An email will be sent to the membership announcing position
    2. Special meeting on National Duration Recommendations
      1. Thanked Aaron for all his hard work on the National Duration Policy
      2. National Duration Policy was motioned and approved by the Governing Board on April 29th
    3. National Race Committee
      1. Committee: Chris Murphy, David Hansen, Doug Kitchin
      2. Asked a local rep and one more GB member, waiting for response
    4. MWE trophies: Still waiting on SPYC to get back with deeds
    5. Nationals Seed Money: Would like the TCA to give Nationals host club/fleet money to help front costs
      1. Checking on up-front costs for past and current Nationals to get an idea of what amount would be helpful (talking to Paul Abdullah, Fred Hunger, Lloyd Kitchin)
    6. Added Strategy Projects Scopes to the website


  • Old Business
    1. Three Strategy Project Scopes Vote
      • Fleet Growth Strategy: Generate list of successful growth strategies to share with fleets. Motioned and Approved
      • Infrastructure of Boats, Skippers and Crew: for local, regional and National events. Motioned and Approved
      • Standardize Guaranteed Childcare Plan: across clubs and different regattas and to decide TCA portion of funding. Motioned and Approved
    2. Next Strategy Project Scope
      1. Done writing scope for priority projects
      2. ExCom members need to review the list of project scopes and come recommendation on what should start soon and who lead the project. To include the National Duration Policy- Nicole to send out email to ExCom for input; The Brand and Fund Coach TCA Project is likely to a 25k to 30k donation
  • National Duration Committee; next steps
    • Policy Document
    • Key Event Management Plan updates
  • New Business
    1. The Nominating Committee recommended Bob White to fill the role of Chief Measurer. ExCom voted by email (5/6/24 to 5/10/24) and unanimously approved Bob’s nomination.
    2. Endowment Documents need to be reviewed and voted on by ExCom and placed in the policy section of Constitution
    3. Non-members sailing in sanctioned TCA regattas: Put responsibility on the RVP’s, the DGs to enforce membership and registered boat prior to Thistle regatta. The secretary will send an email to all RVP’s and DGs to explain this responsibility and give them access to Clubspot to help with checking skippers and registered boats.
  • Adjourned: 9:56 PM (ET)
  • Next meeting: June 11, 2024, at 8:00pm ET/ 5:00pm PT

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