Executive Meeting Meeting Minutes June 11, 2024

Executive Meeting Minutes

 June 11, 2024



Present: Nicole Shedden, Warren Duckworth, Jenny Borshoff, Aaron Holland, Bob White and John Howell (non-voting member)

Secretary: Dianne Duckworth

Not Present: Treasurer: Sarah Paisley

RVP and DG: Scott Vogel (DG-NE)

Meeting called to order: 8:10 pm (EST)

  • May meeting minutes: Motioned and Approved as amended
  • Secretary’s Report: Dianne Duckworth
    1. Membership: April- 440, May- 481 (+41)
    2. Draft email sent to Nicole to send out to RVP’s & DGs to help regatta organizers check that people are not sailing regattas without being members.
    3. Clubspot- Following up with Clubspot on what they owe TCA for members who were doubled charged for their membership. Sent email to show that 2.9% is not enough to reimburse; I figured out fee for both Stripe ($1.90) and Clubspot($2.20) that equals the total fee of $4.10. The (9% x $55) x 44 refunds = $70.18. I calculated the total fee refund as $180.40.
    4. Waiting on CS to get back to me about creating fleets in CS.
    5. Adobe InDesign for Bagpipe cost will now be $34.99 with 501c3 nonprofit discount (John Duckworth pays this as a donation to the class)
    6. Working on all Districts and Fleets to confirm memberships before Nationals 2024.
    7. All chevrons have been sent to all Districts through July.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Paisley
    1. January to May P&L: Total Income- $32,581.60, Net Income- $5,037.30
    2. May 2024 P&L: Total Income $4,623.20, Total Expenses $5,692.78, Net Income $ -1,069.58
    3. May 2024 Balance Sheet: Total Assets $75,172.07
    4. The insurance for the year is paid in May (relatively large expense), which makes May appear unprofitable.
    5. G&P fund: Sent $200 to Carol Kitchen for supplies for kids camp.
    6. Total dues collected Jan-May last year were $32155.00.  For 2024 the total collected for Jan-May is $31215.00, so it’s about $940 less now.  Asked Dianne to see if we’re behind on member numbers; if numbers are the same as 2023, we’ll figure out why we’re lower this year.
    7. Trophy fee per National 2024 registrant: $50.00 (Average trophy cost is $3,500.86. Need to base cost by number of registrants: 80 boats= $45.00 fee and 60 boats= $60 fee)
  • First VP’s Report: Warren Duckworth
    1. Blue Chevron
      1. All events have been scheduled; PCCs are Sept. 14-15, 2024
      2. Sent a second note to RVPs to identify liaison
    2. Nationals 2024
      1. 74 are currently registered
      2. Approved two more alternative qualifications, which met the criteria; no further approval required
  • No outstanding issues from Lake Hopatcong Team
  1. Nationals perpetual trophies notification sent to 2023 winners, created a spreadsheet to track returns, and will create a team to check-in at Nationals
  2. Nationals trophy fee is $50/boat; Chris Murphy asked if this is enough; will tell him yes
  3. Things asked of Lake Hopatcong Team: Publicizing the children’s camp, hold close spots at club for members with little children, reduced price for kid’s meals, potty boat on course, spot for wood boats close to hoist
  1. Future Nationals
    1. 2025 Sandusky Sailing Club, OH: Confirmed
    2. 2026 Eugene Yacht Club, OR: Bid coming soon
  • 2027 North Cape Yacht Club, MI: Nicole discussing potential with Duane Burgoyne
  1. 2028 Ventura, CA: Won’t work b/c of Olympics in LA and J70 NA regatta
  1. Midwinters
    1. MWW dates are still being decided
    2. MWE date and location are still being decided. Possible March 10-12 at Davis Island (north of St. Pete) and Orange Peel March 14 and 15 at FYC
  • Second VP’s Report: Jenny Borshoff
    1. Google Groups is at 593
    2. Seattle is looking for a website host. Can TCA Website host fleet pages? Warren, Nicole and Jenny will discuss.
    3. Looking to update regional pages on the website to update photos and potentially include info on fleets
  • Third VP’s Report: Aaron Holland
    1. Key Event Management Plan summary changed in May minutes.
      1. Amend May Minutes to show: Key Management Plan: finishing adding documents and getting peer reviews.
    2. Standard Sailing Instructions (SI) is being located, checking with Jerry Pignolet, received a copy from Greg Griffin but unsure if it is the final version
    3. Alternative DG needs to be elected with the DG as stated in Constitution XI.3. Need to be enforced?
    4. MWE social media: Trying to connect with photographer, Bill Crawford; will retry
  • Past President’s Report: John Howell
    1. Nominating Committee (J. Howell, G. Griffin, M. Gillum) looking for candidate 2nd VP and have candidate for 3rd VP
    2. Will work with Alex Venegas to get paperwork that is required by State of PA for PA resident who bought a new boat.
  • Chief Measurer: Bob White
    1. Slowly working on CMR Amendments for next year
      1. Reefing (location of sail patches)
      2. Floatation
    2. 2024 Measurement: Jerry Pignolet delivered papers for measuring, scale, centerboard and rudder gauges. Sail measurement tools will be brought to Nationals by Paul Abdullah. Doug Kitchin will be the contact at Tom’s River Nationals
  • President’s Report: Nicole Shedden
    1. National Race Committee
      1. Committee: Chris Murphy, David Hansen, Doug Kitchin, Mark Beaton as local rep
      2. Asked one more GB member, waiting for response
    2. MWE trophies:
      1. SPYC sent info from historian. I will follow up asking for more information on the Sherwin

collection since it includes the Sunshine trophy and middle and forward trophy (1st place MWE)

  1. One deed: Ted Tolson RC trophy was gifted to SPYC by TCA
  • Curated through SPYC funds: Hough N Plough Trophy and Old Salt Trophy curated through regatta event funds; Darlene Clark Trophy curated through Salty Sister funds
  1. Edwin Sherman Sr collection: “Ol’ Thistlin Tom Cat, Forward Crew Plaque, Middle Crew Plaque and Sunshine State Trophy are part of the Edwin Sherman Sr collection. The collection also includes wooden models and paintings; the collection features seals from the 50s, 60s and 70s.”
  1. Nationals Seed Money: Might get a few thousand from a former Nationals host; Sarah recommends a check for the G&P fund, so it doesn’t end up with operating expenses.
  2. Added the three Strategy Projects Scopes approved in May to the website
  • Old Business
    1. Vote on four Endowment policy documents: Endowment Agreement, Gift Acceptance Policy, Investment Policy, Spending Policy
      1. Motioned and seconded
      2. Discussion
        • Several questions were answered via email before the meeting
        • Aaron pointed out the inconsistencies of language referring to GB; John says lawyer says this language is typical and each document has its own definition list
        • Charter can be modified to add recommendations later
        • John advises the Endowment Committee not to appoint an ExCom Officer or Treasurer as the Chair
        • Charter says 5 Members to include an ExCom officer, Treasurer, three members of the class. A sixth committee member could be added if a specific skill/experience is needed to perform a specific task (could be a non-TCA member if needed)
  • Voted and Approved
  1. Next Steps:
    • Policies will be posted to the website and the bagpipe
    • Endowment Committee to present 3-4 investment advisors to the ExCom to manage endowment fund
  2. Boat grant: Matt Fisher will get Riley Reed’s information for Dianne
  • New Business:
    1. Plans fee. We agreed a few months ago to raise the fee for the plans from $35 to $50. Nicole found the price listed in the bylaws, which means we need GB to approve the change. Will do that at GB meeting at Nationals and make it retroactive to November 14, 2023.
  • Next meeting: July 9, 2024, at 8:00pm ET/ 5:00pm PT
  • Meeting to prep for Nationals: July 30, 2024, at 8:30pm EST/ 5:30pm PT
  • Adjourned: 10:05 (EST)


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