Archives of our class magazine date back to the first issue in 1946
The Bagpipe is the Thistle Class magazine and your source for TCA updates. To get your new copies, you’ll need to be a TCA member. We’ve compiled the old issues here for you to browse. Enjoy!

Submit an article or photo to the Bagpipe
The Bagpipe is a strong publication thanks to the involvement of Thistle Class members. Do you have something to share? We’re looking for:
- Regatta reports and results (including crew names)
- Fleet-building ideas and success stories
- Rigging how-tos
- Boat maintenance tips
- Racing tips
- Special interest stories
- Obituaries and in memoriams
- Photos of Thistles and Thistlers
- And anything else Thistlers would find interesting!
Send your submission to the Bagpipe editor, John Duckworth, at
Advertise in the Bagpipe
The Bagpipe is published six times annually and distributed in print copy to members of one of the largest one-design sailing classes in the United States. An electronic version is freely available at
Get your advertisement in front of Thistlers nationwide. Advertisements come in full color or black and white, full page down to 1/8 page. Request a rate card from Dianne Duckworth at