Executive Meeting Minutes
March 4, 2024
Present: Nicole Shedden, Warren Duckworth, Jenny Borshoff, Aaron Holand, Wayne Pignolet and John Howell (non-voting member)
Secretary: Dianne Duckworth
Treasurer: Sarah Paisley
RVP and DG: Scott Vogel (DG-NE)
Meeting called to order: 8:04 pm (EST)
- February meeting minutes: Motioned and Approved
- Secretary’s Report: Dianne Duckworth
- Membership: January 2024 – February 2024 – 351, March 2024 385 (+34)
- Updating class trophy history for chevron events almost complete
- Refunded all members who paid double for their membership dues. Will submit to Clubspot to be refunded
- Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Paisley
- January to February P&L: Total Income- $24,668.00, Net Income- $15,465.86
- February 2024 P&L: Total Income 1,600.20, Total Expenses 3,276.74, Net Income $-1,676.54
- February 2024 Balance Sheet: Total Assets- $85,600.63
- First VP’s Report: Warren Duckworth
- MWW and MWE
- MWW- 37 boats and overall,the regatta went well. Looking for any feedback that should be provided to the Regatta Management Team.
- MWE- 38 boats registered: All seems a go.
- Nationals 2024
- 67 Boats registered at this time
- No outstanding issues at this time
- MWW and MWE
- Women’s and Junior’s Nationals event posting on the website. Registration and NOR need to be created and sent out
- Plan to post the alternative qualifications on the Nationals page on the website
- National 2025
- Craig Koschalk will present bid 2025 at GB meeting March 11
- Dates for 2025 Nationals is August 1-9
- 2026- need to start asking RVP for possibilities since North Cape is in the same region as Sandusky
- 2027- Starting to discuss possible Ventura CA regatta
- Second VP’s Report: Jenny Borshoff
- 2 members added Google Group; will try to ask for name to accompany the email
- Social media: new BP articles ideas/topics
- Third VP’s Report: Aaron Holland
- Youth Member (under 26) is now $0 for 2024. Memberships being paid by G&P funds
- Key Event Management Planning Committee has reviewed the documentation and is compiling a plan for completing the document: Peer review of 20 members: addressing the sensitive issues
- Submitted a preliminary draft of the National Duration Committee has been reviewed by the ExCom. Planning to deliver recommendations to GB 2 weeks prior to MWE-will go out this week.
- Chief Measurer: Wayne Pignolet
- Followed up with Craig Koschalk: decided nothing more needs to be done on his sail purchases
- JD Reddaway has not sent any amendment proposal in to be viewed: will contact him
- Sail acquisition rules need to be clarified for members, particularly regarding used sails and sails used for fleet racing
- Past President’s Report: John Howell
- Endowment Fund: draft document should be ready by mid-March (attorney doing legal papers)
- Fleet Boat Grant Program document is in progress and should be ready by mid-March. TCA has 2 Thistles to be given out when all the paperwork is done (attorney doing legal papers)
- Spoke at MWW to get interest and will speak at MWE to spark interest in the Endowment
- Mold Committee: reached out to four builders by email and now will contact by phone. Talked to Chip Balough about the storage of the molds and they do not need to be moved right now.
- Nominating Committee: John Howell, Greg Griffin, Mike Gillum working on a list to fill in the rotation of officers
- Junior and Women recognition and awards at chevron events (blue and silver) are currently not consistent; will explore options.
- President’s Report: Nicole Shedden
- GB meeting next week: Dianne gathered all the ExCom approvals since our July GB meeting; mostly the G&P trophy improvement payment, appointing the three Southeast DGs, and project charters and scopes.
- NRC committee members: Chris and I decided on the group minus the local rep; waiting to see who registers who could fit that role well. Will make the asks at/by MWE.
- MWE trophies: Talked to Corey Hall of SPYC. SPYC won’t lend the trophies this year (club historian doesn’t like lending trophies, last year was “a one-year deal”). Corey says all MWE trophies are deeded to the SPYC; I requested copies. SPYC is willing to do 2024 engraving if we send a list of winners and pay for it.
- North Cape Yacht Club interested in hosting 2026 Nationals, but Bylaw article XIV.3.d says, “[…] no area should host nationals two years in a row, to the extent that this rotation is possible.”
- Old Business:
- Strategy Project Scopes for review and vote
- Will vote on these via email:
- Create a mentoring program (approved via email vote 3/11/24)
- Review our governance for long term consistency and efficiency (approved via email vote 3/11/24)
- Develop diversity and inclusion plan (pending discussion)
- Create a Strategy Implementation Plan (approved via email vote 3/11/24)
- Need written:
- Generate list of successful growth strategies to share with fleets. John will write.
- Create an infrastructure to connect boat, skippers, crew for local, regional and National events. John will write.
- Will vote on these via email:
- Strategy Project Scopes for review and vote
- New business:
- New DG for SoCal district. Mike Poltorak resigned and recommended Stan Smith. Nicole got feedback from Phil Gordon (PC RVP), Jason Rziha (Arizona fleet), Bob Larzelere (Newport Harbor fleet), John Weighman (Mission Bay fleet). Comments about Stan were all positive. Stan is willing and excited. Const. Art. XII.4.c says ExCom shall fill vacancies in office. Motion to appoint Stan Smith Southern California District Governor: APPROVED
- Adjourned: 9:53 PM (ET)
- Next meeting: April 9, 2024, at 8:00pm ET/ 5:00pm PT