Executive Meeting Minutes
Tuesday December 12, 2023
Present: Nicole Shedden, Warren Duckworth, Jenny Borshoff, Aaron Holland, Wayne Pignolet and John Howell (non-voting member)
Secretary: Dianne Duckworth
Treasurer: Sarah Paisley
RVP and DG: Ted Lischner (DG/MA)
Meeting called to order: 8:04 pm (EST)
- November meeting minutes: Approved
- Secretary’s Report: Dianne Duckworth
- Membership: October 2023: 589; November 2023: 592 (+1)
- Updating website: Price changed for Thistle Plans and Officers
- Working on updating all chevron event results on the website, hopefully by mid January
- Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Paisley
- November 2023 P&L: Total Income $2,055.00, Total Expenses $1,213.45, Net Income $841.55
- 2023 to November 2023 P&L 2023: Total Income $71,574.23, Total Expenses $52,026.64, Net Income $19,547.59
- First VP’s Report: Warren Duckworth
- MWW and MWE
- MWW- Talked with Mike Poltorak. Mike is working on the sailing instructions. Wayne Pignolet is the class liaison.
- MWE- Met with MWE team (Tommy Glenn, Greg Griffin, John Farris) along with Nicole Shedden. They are on target.
- Nationals 2024
- Initial regatta notice is on the website
- Registration planned to open early in the new year
- National 2025
- Great Lakes Region is starting a bid for 2025
- Will contact RVP’s to check on other possible bids
- Website
- Transferring our website: Talked to Blue Host about their pricing for hosting. They also offer improvement work, but we will look for other options.
- Put forth a proposal to transfer the domain of website and start a new contact with BLUEHOST for up to $500.00. Motioned, seconded, and approved
- MWW and MWE
- Second VP’s Report: Jenny Borshoff
- No official report
- Third VP’s Report: Aaron Holland
- Sent out the National Duration Committee Results to the ExCom. Plan to have a presentation with recommendations at MWE GB meeting
- He is reforming Social Media Committee: sent out many emails has only 3 responses
- Asking RVP’s to help create a Boat Assessment Team for each region
- Chief Measurer: Wayne Pignolet
- Asked JD Reddaway to have the amendment for reefing main to be ready for GB Meeting at MWE
- Sent a note to Craig Koschalk about the sail allotment issue. Still in discussion
- Boat and parts availability questions are being addressed
- Request from 2024 National’s Committee about the measurements that will be check at National’s (measurement is to include compass check)
- Past President’s Report: John Howell
- PNW Thistle Molds (Usable)
- Committee: John Howell, Larry Ligget, Paul Cone, Chris Murphy, and Chris Pollock
- Committee thinks the class should support 2 boat builders to help with building and time constraints.
- Strategy Plans- See Old Business
- PNW Thistle Molds (Usable)
- President’s Report: Nicole Shedden
- Appointed a Nomination Committee for 2024-25 TCA Officer Slate: John Howell, Greg Griffin, and Mike Gillum
- Scott Griffin will remain as Amendment Committee Chairperson for 2024
- Created a personal advisory group of former TCA Presidents from each region for informal discussions about current class issues
- Class Historian: Lincoln Baxter retired. Working on defining class historian responsibilities before we fill the position
- Tech Compass Variance expires December 31, 2023; asked Wayne to include a reminder in MWW and MWE NOR
- Nationals Location Rotation: Noticed we’ve gone out West every 3 years since 2016 due to increase in Pacific Coast TCA members and active fleets
- MWE trophies: Working on determining who owns each one (TCA or SPYC). Need to have them brought to Ft. Walton MWE 2024
- Old Business:
- Presenting and voting on Project Scopes for TCA Strategy projects
- Brand and fund Coach TCA; scope written by Nicole. Motioned, seconded and approved.
- Develop a key event management plan; project already launched by Aaron. He’s documenting next steps
- Develop plan to promote small/medium yacht clubs to kick off community sailing programs; scope written by Tom Hubbell. Motioned, seconded and approved.
- Presenting and voting on Project Scopes for TCA Strategy projects
2. Presenting and voting on Project Charters for TCA Strategy projects
- Thistle Growth Partnership Program (program is to set up an endowment and raise funds for strategic initiatives); charter written by John Howell and Matt Fisher. Motion, seconded and approved.
- Thistle Next Generation program; charter written by John Howell and Matt Fisher. Will be discussed and voted on by email by ExCom
- Adjourned: 10:08 PM (ET)
- Next meeting: January 9, 2024, at 8:00pm ET/ 5:00pm PT