Executive Meeting Minutes Tuesday November 14, 2023

 Executive Meeting Minutes

Tuesday November 14, 2023



Present: Warren Duckworth, Nicole Shedden, Aaron Holland, Wayne Pignolet and John Howell (non-voting member)

Absent: Jenny Borshoff

RVP and DG: Paul Cone, Julie Irwin (incoming Pac. NW DG), Phil Christman, Scott Vogel


Meeting called to order: 8:06 pm (EST)

  • September meeting minutes: Approved; October meeting minutes: Approved
  • Secretary’s Report: Dianne Duckworth
    1. Membership: September 2023: 589; October 2023: 591 (+2)
    2. Propose an increase in the cost for paper Thistle Plans from $36.00 to $46.00 due to rising costs in printing and postage. Dianne motioned the increase, seconded. During discussion Aaron motioned to increase Thistle Plans to $50.00, seconded; motion passes: effective immediately. Will send notice to John Duckworth to add price increase to Secretary’s article for the next BP.
    3. Sympathy card to Mark Foster’s Family
  • Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Paisley
    1. October 2023 P&L: Total Income $241.00, Total Expenses $6,839.75, Net Income $ $ -6,598.75
    2. 2023 to October 2023 P&L 2023: Total Income $69,519.23, Total Expenses $50,813.19, Net Income $18,706.04
    3. Checking to see if we can reduce Stripe fees; looking into making it optional for members to cover the fee.
    4. Working to have all Advertising mailing done yearly, January. Will work with Nicole on an annual advertising agreement to send to advertisers.
  • First VP’s Report: Warren Duckworth
    1. MWW and MWE
      1. MWW- Talked with Mike Poltorak. Mike is working on the sailing instructions. Wayne Pignolet is the class liaison.
      2. MWE- Met with MWE team (Tommy Glenn, Greg Griffin, John Farris) along with Nicole Shedden. They are on target.
    2. Website
      1. Transferring our website: Talked to Blue Host about their pricing for hosting. They also offer improvement work, but we will look for other options.
  • Second VP’s Report: Jenny Borshoff
    1. No official report
  • Third VP’s Report: Aaron Holland
    1. Article for the Under 26 Free Membership is in the next BP issue, Dec2023/Jan 2024
    2. Re-focus on a list of lost boats with Dianne
    3. Reaching out to RVP’s to help find “spark plugs” members for boat rehabilitation for each region
    4. National Duration Committee is starting to meet with a goal of presenting at the GB at MWE
  • Chief Measurer: Wayne Pignolet
    1. Digital Thistle Plans are very difficult to draw the curve of the hull. We may need to pay someone to do this.
    2. Letter to Craig Koschalk about sails was sent
    3. Reached out to JD Reddaway to write up an amendment to propose the ability to use reefing main.
    4. Center Shims proposal has been sent to BP and Google Groups
  • Past President’s Report: John Howell
    1. Strategy Plans
      1. Sent 1 page project scope summaries for the Boat Grant/Fleet Boat project and Growth Partnership Fundraising project to get ExCom permission to write charters.
      2. Nicole motions to approve project scope for Boat Grant and Fleet Boat project, seconded and approved. John can write the Charter.
  • Nicole motions to approve project scope for TCA Growth Partnership project, seconded and approved. John can write the Charter.
  1. National 2023 Feedback
    1. John is planning to send Ashli Slawter the feedback from Thistle Class on the 2023 Nationals this Thursday, Nov. 16th.
  • President’s Report: Nicole Shedden
    1. RVP update: Phil Gordon is new Pacific Coast RVP. Tommy Glenn will mentor Phil in his new role
    2. G&P trophy: Final invoice for repairs, improvements and traveling box was $225. ExCom had approved $150 for improvements on the G& P trophy. Vote to approve $275 ($225 for invoice, $50 for excellent work). Motioned, seconded and approved for $275
    3. Nominating Gerry Christman for US Sailing One Design Award for his work with Fleet 66
    4. Next Governing Board meeting is Monday, March 11, 2024 at MWE in the main clubhouse (time TBD)
  • New Business: Nicole Shedden
    1. Need to appoint DG’s for 2024 under Article 11.3.d with consensus input from members of the district:
      1. Ted Lischer for Middle America replacing Blair Dryden
      2. Julie Irwin for Pacific Northwest replacing Paul Cone
    2. Write project scope for TCA Strategy projects – submit scope to ExCom before 12/12/23
      1. Brand and fund Coach TCA: Nicole
      2. Develop a key event management plan: Aaron
  • Develop diversity and inclusion plan: Wayne
  1. Develop plan to promote small/medium yacht clubs to kick off community sailing programs: Nicole will ask Tom Hubbell
  • Adjourned: 9:42 PM (ET)
  • Next meeting: December 12, 2023, at 8:00pm ET/ 5:00pm PT

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