Executive Committee Meeting Minutes January 16, 2023

Executive Meeting Minutes
Monday January 16, 2023

Present: John Howell, Warren Duckworth, Nicole Shedden, Tom Hubbell, and Wayne Pignolet, Aaron Holland
Secretary: Dianne Duckworth
Meeting called to order: 8:05 pm (EST)
1) December 2022 minutes: Approved
2) Secretary’s Report: Dianne Duckworth
a) Membership Renewal started January 1, 2023
i) To date: 300 new memberships, 3 new members, and 7 cancelled.
ii) John Howell requested: February report to include:
(1) Reasons for cancellation
(2) Comparison of membership numbers January/February 2022 to January/February 2023

3) Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Paisley
a) December Balance Sheet 2022: Total Balance (Total Assets): 57,413.60, Operating Balance (PNC Operating):
17,406.08, and Growth & Promotion Balance (PNC Balance): 39,755.33
b) January to December 2022: Total Income $49,967.58 & Total Expenses-$55,011.00: Net Operating Income, $ –
5,043.42 and Net Income, $ -5,043.42
4) First VP’s Report: Nicole Shedden
a) Nationals
i) Flathead 2023
(1) Registrations: 61 paid registrants, 10 registered not yet paid
(2) NOR says that people can get their money back in full (minus fees) anytime, so there's a chance that the
numbers will change.
(3) Working with Ashli on childcare – registration forms, liability waivers, age splits, volunteers
(4) Still need to get NOR for Women's and Junior Nationals; I'm talking to Ashli about schedule and regatta
ii) 2024 and beyond
(1) Chautauqua: Update from Tom on the proposed site at the Chautauqua Institution.
(2) Sayville: The Sayville board said they're unable to host a 2023 combined districts or a 2024 Nationals.
"We are committed to a major 420 regatta at the same time and at least 2 other large regattas summer
2024.  There is also concern that 80 boats on the beach and lawn during the height of junior sailing (with
100 young sailors) for a full week will be untenable."
(3) Future options:
(i) Atlantic Coast: Talked with Dave Hansen since we appear to be down to only Cedar Point Yacht
Club. He's going to contact Brent Barbehenn about potential venues.
(ii) Great Lakes: Jay Austin of Sandusky Sailing Club expressed interest to me this fall. He's been
running regattas there; they hosted our September 2021 districts and a multi-class fall regatta
this year.
(iii) Going to ask some friends of friends if they know of places around the country that are
interested in hosting events like ours (the proposal I created for Sayville will help)

b) Midwinters East
i) NOR is almost finalized; should have registration open this week
ii) Tommy Glenn and John Farris have found evening activities for us
iii) Greg Griffin has heard from several young sailors that they plan to participate
c) Trophies
i) 2022 trophies: Dianne is working to find a new engraver since the business we used to use was sold, and the
new owners aren't responding. Dianne has a list of the trophies we need, what's to be engraved on each
one, and the mailing address for each.
ii) Missing Nationals trophy plaques: Mike Ingham is contacting the people who have the trophies that are
missing plaques to get new plaques made at his expense. I'll have to give data from the trophy bible on who
won what for the missing years.

5) Second VP’s Report: Warren Duckworth
a) Bagpipe for Feb/Mar/Apr is at the printers and with an expected delivery in the 1st or 2nd week of February.
b) Website
i) Regatta posting is at 12, no new regatta results as expected at this time of year.
ii) Marketplace has 14 boats for sale
c) Google Groups
i) has just over 500 members
ii) good dialog on Mast Step and electronics, CMR postings, MWW Signup, and Thistle production dates
6) Third VP’s Report: Aaron Holland
a) G&P Proposal for big regattas and Chevron events: Assist with childcare
i) Organize a method to find sponsorship.
ii) Each event would have a cap on funding ($400 as an example)
b) John Howell likes the idea and asked Aaron to talk to Fred Hunger and Wayne Pignolet to see what issues and
recommendations they would have from experience.
c) Proposal needs more specific guidelines for G&P money support
d) Need to see what legal issues or ramifications need to be considered
7) Chief Measurer's Report: Wayne Pignolet
a) Mast butte redesign makes sense, need to collect more data on using the new design
b) Electronic uses need to be rewritten for clarification
c) Measuring new sails, have the sail makers do the measuring before delivery of sail; this will help TCA get away
from measuring sails
8) Comments from Ex Com:
i) Get the message out to help members join GG/ advertise on website
ii) Warren to reach out to Scott Griffin to help get amendments published on website
iii) Suggestion was made to remove COVID banner and no action was taken
iv) Add link on website to join GG
9) Past President’s Report: Tom Hubbell, No report
10) President’s Report New Business: John Howell
a) Anonymous Donor gave $10,000.00.
i) $3,000.00 is to help with Bagpipe expenses.
ii) $7,000.00 is for Strategy Goals with $3,500 to be used for trial of MarkSetBot at MWW & MWE
b) Membership fees need adjusting to balance the annual budget. Proposal coming next month
11) President’s Report Old Business
a) Doug’s bylaw recommendations are available for ExCom review. Will go to GB at MWE.
b) Governing Board discussion will be mid-February, before MWE
i) Finalize and approve Strategic Plan and a project list (prioritized)
ii) Address questions about Bylaw amendments
Adjourned: 9:03 PM (EST)
12) Next meeting: John Howell will send an email.

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