Executive Meeting Minutes
Wednesday April 19, 2023
Present: John Howell, Warren Duckworth, Nicole Shedden, Tom Hubbell, Aaron Holland and Wayne Pignolet
Treasurer: Sarah Paisley
Secretary: Dianne Duckworth
Meeting called to order: 8:02 pm (EST)
1) John Howell gave Jesse Shedden the floor to speak on National Qualifications/Exemptions
- a) Alternative qualification: NRC Jesse Shedden gave recommendations on 2 petitions-ExCom voted
2) March 2023 minutes: Waiting for Approval
3) Chief Measurer: Wayne Pignolet
- a) Has submitted 5 measurement/specification amendments to Scott Griffin and to be voted on at Nationals
4) Secretary’s Report: Dianne Duckworth
- a) Membership: March 2023: 465 memberships; April 2023 membership: 483 (+12)
- b) Pull Chevron Events and mail out chevrons
5) Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Paisley
- a) March 2023 P&L: Total Income $2,076.00, Total Expenses $7,036.75, Net Income $-4,960.75
- b) 2023 to March 2023 P&L 2023: Total Income $39,688.40, Total Expenses $20,449.16, Net Income, 19,239.24
- c) March Balance Sheet Total Assets 74,884.58, Operating Funds $35,242.26, Growth and Promotion $39,425.33
- d) Clubspot has $10.00 fraudulent charges, Dianne is checking on these.
6) First VP’s Report: Nicole Shedden
7) Nationals
- a) Flathead
- i) 101 registered; 0 people on the waitlist
- ii) Need to edit NOR section 4.1 to change the 90 limit
iii) Ashli is working on budget numbers, but they’re behind what they expected because:
(1) New banquet venue with rented tables and catered food is more expensive than their former plan (that location was sold; new owner isn’t honoring contract)
(2) No late fees paid as expected
(3) School district began conversation about money to be paid for campers
- iv) Race Committee
(1) Richard Johnson and NFYC team working well together and seem to be on top of things (group met 4/18)
(2) Unsure if Regatta Network will handle our Bordes System scoring; I’m looking into it and options if it can’t
(a) ExCom recommended St. Pete Scorer or Excel/Sheets file
- v) Women’s and Junior Nationals
(1) Working on NOR
(2) Aaron asked about related coaching/training; Wayne Pignolet and I will work on post-regatta debrief with photos/video
- b) 2024
- i) Expect the finalized Chautauqua bid from Tom soon
- ii) Bid from the Hopatcong fleet for a Nationals at Tom’s River, NJ is almost final
iii) Nationals Site Selection team is creating a bid assessment process that we can use going forward as a proper analysis to help the GB make their decision
- c) Midwinters East:
- i) Met with Paul Abdullah and Tommy Glenn about ideas for next year; potentially back to back MWE and Peel
- ii) Will communicate with John Deermount if we decide not to go to St. Pete this year and about potential trophy options
8) Second VP’s Report: Warren Duckworth
- a) Bagpipe: At the printers
- b) Google Groups: Up 15 members to 515.
- c) Website
- i) Went from 27 regatta postings in March to 31 regatta postings in April
- ii) Changed the picture on the website for Strategic Plan
9) Third VP’s Report: Aaron Holland
- a) Working on getting teams together for Women’s and Junior’s Nationals
- i) Will work with Warren Duckworth, Emmy Duckworth, and Jenny Borshoff to getting teams together
- ii) Nicole is working on a form to help with registration for Women’s and Junior’s
10) Past President’s Report: Tom Hubbell
- a) Nominating Committee
- i) Slate deadline June 2023- committee is on target
- ii) Looking to fill the 2nd VP position
11) President’s Report: John Howell
- a) Assigned a committee to work moving the Class forward regarding Women’s National bylaw Amendment passed in March.
- i) Committee: John Howell, Nicole Shedden, Tommy Glenn, Paul Abdullah, and Adam Young
- ii) Will start meeting immediately.
- b) Strategic Plan
- i) Start background and planning projects
- ii) ExCom to write a basic scope to implement the Strategic Plan
iii) Nicole Shedden reported on College and Cultural Demographics: 56% Women Sailors including 18% LBGTQ+
12) New Business: John Howell
- a) Jerry Pignolet, photographer is pairing up with Bill Crawford to do videography with drones. Testing at the 8 Ball Regatta for free.
- b) Looking in to having open ExCom meetings for GB members to attend
- c) John will send an email to ExCom on homework before next meeting
13) Adjourned: 9:40 PM (EST)
14) Next meeting: John Howell will send an email.