Executive Meeting Minutes July 9, 2024

Executive Meeting Minutes

 July 9, 2024



Present: Nicole Shedden, Warren Duckworth, Aaron Holland, Bob White and John Howell (non-voting member)

Not Present: Jenny Borshoff

Secretary: Dianne Duckworth

Treasurer: Sarah Paisley

RVP and DG: Kevin Sheehan (DG-C)

Meeting called to order: 8:05 pm (EST)

  • June meeting minutes: Motioned and Approved
  • Secretary’s Report: Dianne Duckworth
    1. Membership: May- 481 to June -535 (+54)
    2. Districts and Fleets have been completed and sent to Nicole
    3. Past Due Memberships Email: 100 responses, 65 memberships, 25 cancellations (re-do numbers)
  • Treasurer’s Report: Sarah Paisley
    1. January to June P&L: Total Income- $34,346.60, Net Income- $5,748.46
    2. June 2024 P&L: Total Income $1,765.00, Total Expenses $1,053.84, Net Income $711.16
    3. June 2024 Balance Sheet: Total Assets $75,883.23
    4. 2023 June Membership was $200.00 more compared to 2024 June membership
    5. Will move money from G&P into membership fund for all First-Year-Free and Youth Members to cover their 2024 membership fees
  • First VP’s Report: Warren Duckworth
    1. Blue Chevron
      1. All events have been scheduled; PCCs are Sept. 14-15, 2024
      2. ACC Liaison is Scott Vogel, CS and PCC not identified.
    2. Nationals 2024
      1. 73 are currently registered
      2. Outstanding Special Exception request from Jack Hunger: Motioned, Seconded and Approved
  • No outstanding issues from Lake Hopatcong Team
  1. Nationals perpetual trophies notification sent to 2023 winners, created a spreadsheet to track returns, and will create a team to check-in at Nationals. Have received responses from most.
  1. Future Nationals
    1. 2025 Sandusky Sailing Club, OH: Confirmed – candidate for NRC is being asked
    2. 2026 Eugene Yacht Club, OR: Bid in and all but one from the site selection committee have responded. All so far in favor. Will send bid to ExCom and call for a vote on July 29 meeting
  • 2027 North Cape Yacht Club, MI: Nicole discussing potential with Duane Burgoyne
  1. 2028 Wrightsville Beach NC / Carolina Yacht Club – Talked with Howard Mendlovitz, he talked with some people but not sure if it can work but he has investigated other sites in NC too. Will talk at Nationals.
  1. Midwinters
    1. MWW dates Feb 5-9, 2025 – ad is in this BP
    2. MWE date and location are still being decided. Possible March 10-12, 2025, at Davis Island (Tampa Bay, north of St. Pete); no availability for Coach TCA on March 8 -9 due to club conflicts. Orange Peel March 14 and 15 at FYC. Alternative is Fort Walton, Tommy said that FWYC would like to host again.
  • Second VP’s Report: Jenny Borshoff – No report
  • Third VP’s Report: Aaron Holland
    1. Will meet with Bill Crawford (Photographer) this week to debrief from the 2024 MWE
    2. Have 1 more request a reimbursement for Nationals- making a total of 4 participants for this year
    3. Nicole asked Aaron to report numbers of participants since the inception of the G&P providing payment of registration fees to Youth Members
  • Chief Measurer: Bob White
    1. Sent Measurement Instructions to ExCom.
      1. ExCom to give feedback to Bob ASAP
      2. Will discuss more on July 30th ExCom meeting
  • Aaron commented that Rudder Thickness is not on the list of five things to be measured in MI.
  1. Bob responded that Rudder Thickness measurement is on the measurement form proper.
  1. Electronic Thistle Plans
    1. Bob is asking Quinn Schwenker to work with Ollie Kuntz on the digital copy of Thistle Plans.
  2. Will work on CMR Amendments for next year
  3. Nicole asked that Bob have copies of the guidelines of Flotation packet for wood boat owners
  • Past President’s Report: John Howell
    1. Nominating Committee (J. Howell, G. Griffin, M. Gillum) have completed the slate for the 2025 ExCom
      1. President: Warren Duckworth, 1st VP: Aaron Holland, 2nd VP: Paul Cone, 3rd VP: Lloyd Kitchin, and CM: Bob White
      2. Minton Awardee has been chosen and working on the presentation at Nationals
    2. Endowment Fund
      1. Have $85,000 in commitments
      2. A possible $75,000 in matching funds to be donated
  • Will have a list of Investment Advisers to be considered for the Endowment Fund
  1. Looking in a Venmo account to help members easily make small contributions to Endowment Fund
  • President’s Report: Nicole Shedden
    1. National Race Committee: Committee is finalized: Chris Murphy, David Hansen (GB), Doug Kitchin (GB), Phil

Christman (GB), Mark Beaton. Chris has been in contact with all members.

  1. MWE trophies: First place forward and middle trophies given by Bruce Balough and Doug Labor in the late 70s. Doug says they gave money to St. Pete for the creation of the trophies. There was never a question of ownership; they were for the regatta. Plan to do more research and then follow up with SPYC contact asking for more information on the Sherwin collection (Sunshine trophy, middle/forward trophies, Thistlin’ Tom).
  2. Nationals Seed Money: Potential seed money donor is working with their committee to determine if they can give these funds to the TCA.
  3. Considering ideas of how to commemorate Wayne at Nationals
  4. Endowment policies: Will work with Dianne to get these added to the constitution
  5. Insuring Nationals trophies: These aren’t insured (based on quick read of Gowrie policy and Sarah’s review of financials). Found examples of managing insurance for perpetuals (Gulf Yachting Assoc, dog shows) saying winners should include the value in their homeowner’s insurance for the year. This would require getting them revalued.
    1. John says we can potentially get a Gowrie rider for these.
  • Old Business: None
  • New Business: None
  • Next Special ExCom Meeting: July 30, 2024, at 8:30pm ET/ 5:30pm PT
  • Adjourned: 9:07 (EST)


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